Clipping path services

Carefully hand-drawn clipping paths for crisp, clean photos

Put your product on any background. Take tedious, nitty-gritty photo edits off your plate with outsourced clipping path services.


Spending all day editing sucks the passion out of your work

You need perfect clipping paths and clean photos to attract customers to your products and make them want what you're selling. But when you’re launching hundreds — or even thousands — of products a week, clipping path edits can take days.

You don’t have to waste all that time in Photoshop doing edits yourself. And you definitely don’t have to stay up too late frantically trying to finish clipping paths on time. We’re betting that’s not what you signed up for when you started doing this work.

Leave it to the experts

Outsource even your most intricate clipping path projects to Path’s team of experts, starting at 39¢ per image. You can get large batches of images edited faster and cheaper, in as little as 6 hours.

Hand-drawn image clipping paths and careful attention to detail means you get perfect clipping paths and clean photo cut-outs. The cleaner the photos, the more conversions you’ll get.


  • Clipping paths are the digital way to cut an item out of a photo. Remember cutting out pictures from magazines? It’s just like that, only digital. (A tip: if you’re cutting out a subject with hair or fur, you probably need image masking — another cutout technique that’s used for more intricate edges.)

    Once our clipping path specialists finish the clipping path, everything on the inside of the path is included, and everything outside is removed.

  • Not all clipping paths are alike, so the rates for each project vary. Every image is different, but we follow standard pricing guidelines to make sure your rate is always clear and objective, even if you’re working with a different designer.

    Here’s an overview of how we price different clipping path projects:

Why ecommerce entrepreneurs and photographers outsource their clipping path projects to Path

Your talent and creative energy is best spent on doing what you love — not fiddling in Photoshop for hours figuring out tedious edits.

  • 40,000+

    customers have trusted us with their image edits.

  • 3,148

    images are edited each day.

  • We don’t use automated software here. Every clipping path is carefully done by hand. We’re not finished until every item of clothing and accessory appears natural, and the colors and textures look just right.

How it works

  1. Request a quote for the images you need edited — we’ll get back to you within 45 minutes
  2. Approve your quote and give us the green light to get started
  3. Upload your images, and then let us do the rest

You don’t have to do everything yourself

Outsourced image editing services are ideal if you are...

  • A busy professional photographer with batches of edits due from a recent product photoshoot

  • An ecommerce retailer who wants to use their time to move the needle instead of fiddling around in Photoshop

  • A freelancer or agency with tight client deadlines and tons of other deliverables to wrangle

  • Find the time to fall in love with your work again